BCBF - Ballet Can Be FUN!!

As parents are registering for classes for this coming year, I have heard several comments about how "my child doesn't really like ballet," which is often followed by something about how they are going to try it out, or they want them to learn the good posture from it or other things.  I can appreciate this - ballet in the strict and traditional sense can sometimes only work with certain personality types.  My husband thinks of ballet and he thinks of an older teacher with a stick, pounding it on the ground and yelling at the students!

I have to laugh - I have been in classes like that! My first several years of dance were spent at a VERY strict ballet studio - one of the most so in Utah, and well known throughout the nation.  I have done ballet at many different studios and schools since then, alongside my jazz and contemporary training.  I have learned that having fun in ballet isn't just about toughing it out and working so hard you feel like your muscles are going to fall off your bones (though sometimes I'm crazy in the sense that I like that for myself too!)  Having fun in ballet is about having a positive experience - with your teacher, with your peers, and with yourself.

The teacher can make all of the difference.  A teacher that frowns at their students will have students who frown.  On the other hand, a teacher that gives constant encouragement will help their students feel like they are good at what they are doing, which in turn makes it fun to do!  In my classes, we will learn the technique of classical ballet, but sometimes we will break free and maybe do some plies to rock music instead of classical, or to their favorite movie or television show theme.  I show them how ballet ties into other types of dance - how they will be better at jazz if they take ballet.  We have rewards built in - when everyone gets their splits we will have a banana split party!  And more than anything, I love to make kids smile, so I might crack a joke or two that will keep them smiling while they are learning things.

This is not to say that we goof off or waste time in my classes, quite the opposite actually.  They will learn and progress quickly, that is one of the most common comments I have gotten throughout my teaching career.  They will learn a healthy respect for ballet and for classical music.  They will learn the discipline of it and the beauty of it, but we will learn and love it together.  I love ballet, I think it is beautiful.  I know that it isn't for every personality or body type to dance professionally, but I do know that it is of benefit to EVERYbody that wants to learn dance, and so I am determined that we will have a great time together in learning it!

So, try it out!  At this point we only offer ballet in combination with other styles, but are looking toward building an intermediate/advanced program in the near future. But, we know that those building blocks start young, so come check us out!  September is BCBF month, because ballet CAN be fun!

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